The Family Unit
Destroying the building blocks of society will cause this whole building to fall.
Knickerbocker theater 1917 - Source: Wikipedia
On January 28th, 1922, The Knickerbocker Theater in Washington D.C., packed with patrons and theater goers enjoying the show “Get-Rich-Quick Wallingford", collapsed under the pressure of snow and ice that had pounded the building during a 2 day blizzard. Under the pressure of the heavy elements, the roof collapsed inward, pulling down the walls, balconies and materials on top of the audience. In this tragic collapse 98 people were killed and another 133 injured.1
This unfortunate incident prompted the closure of all other similar buildings in the city to prevent further loss of life in the case other structures were just as vulnerable in the storm.
The building itself was seemingly sturdy and well put together, but after days and hours of the accumulating snow and ice, the weak spots buckled under the pressure. Many wondered if those deteriorating bricks, stones, beams or materials had been discovered, reinforced or better maintained; would the outcome be different or was the overwhelming avalanche unstoppable?
The family unit is a lot like the brick, stone, wood or morter that make up the “the building" of society.
Unfortunately, these bricks have been showing signs of deterioration from external and internal forces alike…
In the United States, the number of children living in single parent households has increased from roughly 8 million in the 1970s to 19 million in 2020.2
1 in 4 children grow up without a father figure according to the National Fatherhood initiative.3
The repercussions of these realties are immensely damaging to our kids, our society and our collective future.
The solution to this issue is not found in government sponsored incentives to entice people to be the parent they ought to be.
The solution is found within each and every individual to recognize the responsibility they have to their children when they bring a life into the world.
Personal responsibility.
“Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it.”
Proverbs 22:6 ESV
The unfathomable horrors of neglecting the existence of one’s own child fosters a pattern of pain and destruction for generations. Demorilization is the natural effect as people grow up without discipline, constructive correction, encouragement or a foundational moral standard.
Unfortunately, the manifested results of single parenthood(in aggregate) still does not deter the temptation to be absent. To make matters worse, the family unit is under attack on many other fronts as well; the schools, the internet, video games, tv, social media etc.
There are even political leaders who seek to diminish and demean the importance of the nuclear family (mother-father households) in a child's upbringing.
Do not be deterred.
Distractions will exists for parents to stray just as much as for children. Many kids, and even some parents surprisingly, remain addicted to social media and video games, isolated from each other and their communities, exchanging their limited time for meaningless pleasure in a virtual world.
This trend is an increasing detriment to society and the slow burn is slow enough to discourage action. However, do not lose hope. This is not an unstoppable avalanche!
So what can we do?
Here are some basic things we can consider:
In the words of a famous hymn writer “let it start in me!” Obviously, we all need to remove the log in our own eye before we address the speck in another's. (Matthew 7:5)
Strive and study to be the best parent, friend, mentor and person you can be. For your own family as well to encourage and help others. God, instructs his people to learn and study His ways and impress them on their children. (Deuteronomy 6:4-9)
Get involved in your community. Human interaction and connection was destroyed as a result of the pandemic but that doesn’t mean it can't be recovered. Make time to do things with family and friends in real life.
Be available and intentional to help your fellow man. If anyone is stumbling help them up, encourage them in the Lord and pray for them. (James 2:14-17)
Seek first the Kingdom of God, praying for God’s will to be done on Earth as it is in Heaven, being eager to accomplish His work in your life whether in the home or in the world.
Do not be dismayed in the face of darkness.
“For I am sure that neither death nor life, nor angels nor rulers, nor things present nor things to come, nor powers, nor height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord.”
Romans 8:38-39 ESV
Grace & Peace,_D.C.)
Such an important topic, and one you address very well. I particularly like the actionable steps we can do in our own lives -- change really does start at home, and this is no more important to apply than, well, in homes!